Batch #10b
June 11 to June 15:  Cows, Pals, and Scorpions In The Desert
Intruder enjoys the fruits of his hitch hiking labor to Onyx and back from Walker Pass.
Desert hills....but CLOUDS are in the sky...yippee!!!!!
Doodlebug bundles up to stay warm in chilly Tehachapis.
If you want to get to Canada, you'll have to go around us!!.
Mountain Goat, Intruder, Alyssa, Doodlebug, and Nitro enjoying convenience store food after Nitro and Intruder's 18-wheeler hitch back from Onyx to Walker Pass.
And I thought I had big ears.....
First stretch of trail after highway crossing at Tehachapi Pass...we're now officially in the Southern Sierras.
Soaking those feet and clearing the mind at Lander's Creek.
Fish bait found at campsite above Bird Spring Creek.
Only human seen today on the long narrow path to solitude.
Brown recluse makes his mark on Rabbit leg.
Sunset from the trail...time to see some fighter jets then fall off the side of the mountain! (See June 15 journal)
Nice place to take a bath...or at least obtain water for the next desert stretch.