Batch #08e
June 1 to June 2: Moving out of Agua Dulce And Back on the Trail
Jeff, Stacy, Rabbit, and Mountain Goat enjoying another day in Saufleyville.
Bono, Nightingale sharing Rabbit's bunk for a while..time to pack up and hike north!
Interesting neighbor's front yard in Agua Dulce.
Slackpacker officially hikes into Agua Dulce after four days of partying at the Saufleys.
Beautiful Vasquez Rocks near Agua Dulce, site of many Hollywood films involving cowboys and indians.
More views at Vasquez Rocks.
Phantom on the slackpack back to Agua Dulce.
Doodlebug taking a break after long tunnel underpass crossing.
PCT winding around rock formations in Vasquez area.
Heather and Remy, our shuttle king and queen driving Big Red to drop us off at the trail.
We're leaving town for good this time!  Psycho, Ladyface, Chowda, Nabor J.
Masta Rappa Chowda breaking away from the Saufley vortex to return to the trail.
Donna and Jeff Saufley saying goodbye to another band of hikers heading north.
Psycho, Slash, Remy, Nabor J, Dave (Belt & Suspenders) all preparing to leave the Saufleys.
Doodlebug on the phone with her boyfriend in Missouri.