May 23 to May 27: Mount Baden-Powell and Mount Williamson areas
Avalanche damage on Angeles Crest Road, trees snapped and moved like little toothpicks.
This side trail to Baden-Powell will need major trail maintenance before it can be hiked in future.
California Dept. of Transportation has their work cut out for them to repair 12 miles of nearly complete destruction.
Now that's a lot of snow to be removed to get this road open....and DOT says it'll be one month?
Welcomed stretch of forested trail near Baden-Powell.
Phantom hobbles along on painful foot in the San Gabriel range.
Exhuberent group of school kids after quizzing Rabbit about the journey from Mexico to Canada.
Only 2,277 miles to go! I feel good!!!
Bono and Nightingale leaving our temporary Wrightwood home.
No fun to be had in Wrightwood! Nabor J, Psycho, Opto, Little Big Man
Phantom, Nightingale, ad Bono watching the American Idol finals on TV...nice tan Phantom!
Only way to navigate this road is on foot!
Slackpacking in the San Gabriels is a lot of fun!
.Good To Go, Rabbit, Bono, Nightingale, Nitro, and Phantom chowing down in Wrightwood!
Slackpacking is an AWESOME way to hike! Bono, Nightingale, Rabbit, Phantom, Nitro, Good To Go at Inspiration Point near Baden-Powell.