Batch #07
May 18 to May 22: Big Bear City to McDonald's: Hot and Cold on Hiking
Evening view back toward San Jacintos.
Good To Go in the San Gorgianos staying warm.
Phantom warding off evil mosquitos with his "Buzz Off" bandana, happy to be cowboy camping.
Alaska Brian wishing he too had a Buzz Off bandana!
Sunset comes to a burned out area of trail.
Doodlebug hiking through very tall grass...someone needs to do some trail maintenance!
Heather and Remy happy to be hiking the PCT!
Brian takes some time to enjoy desert flora.
I'm so little you aren't supposed to see me hanging out on the trail.
Lake view near Big Bear City, usually dry this time of year.
Full moon rising and cowboy camping...a hard combination to beat.
I spy....another snowy mountain range to hike across!
Sandy beach campsite for the night.
Yes I am a pirate...two hundred years too late!
Desert canyons and mudholes for swimming.
It's good to be the king!  Relaxing at the Nature Inn in Big Bear City.