Batch #04
Photos from Rabbit's still camera of opening day--and the San Diego day before!
Rabbit at trailhead on opening day, April 29th, 2005.
Rabbit in San Diego downtown area on April 28th.
Eric and Phantom on San Diego beach April 28th.
Phantom and his San Diego friends with Rabbit at dinner!
Phantom in meditation before starting 2663 mile trek.
Coronoda Bay resort--last night in San Diego before hike!
Rabbit's flight leaving Portland--Columbia Gorge below.
Leaving Portland & Mt St Helens behind--no steam today!
California mountains with snow--hiking here soon.
Landing in the San Diego area--JeffTrek 2 about to begin!
San Diego peninsula--we stayed at resort on upper left.
Phantom thumbing it in San Diego--with no backpack on yet!