June 2, 2005
Slackpack Vasquez Rocks
After three consecutive zero days at the hiker heaven Saufley residence, we finally were going to go back and finish our hike into Agua Dulce.  Today was the chance to slackpack the 10 miles remaining and to see how Phantom’s foot would respond after rest.  Remy and Heather loaded up Big Red (one of the two vehicles available for hiker use 24/7) with outgoing hiker boxes for the post office while Doodlebug, Phantom and I rearranged our backpacks with minimal gear.  Off we went in Big Red to the trailhead back at the RV park.  Somehow we missed the trailhead and drove an extra six miles to the town of Acton.  Before turning around we stopped at the post office to mail out the 30 boxes hikers had prepared for shipping. 

About 11:00 a.m. we began our slackpack into Agua Dulce.  Our legs were a little sluggish from the time off, but I was excited to be back on the trail.  All the blisters have healed except for one on the right heel which continues to be a mild irritant.  We took our time on the hike; I would get ahead, then stop and wait for Doodlebug and Phantom.  Both seemed to be doing better with the rest they took at the Saufleys.  We passed through Vasquez Rocks, a state park in which many Western TV shows and Hollywood movies have been filmed. 

The last mile of the trail was the road walk right into the heart of tiny Agua Dulce.  We made a pit stop at the Mexican restaurant for a late lunch, hit the grocery store, and then began the side road hike back to the Saufleys.  While in the grocery store, I overheard a conversation between the cashier and an older gentleman who obviously was a hiker.  Herbert, from Switzerland, had just finished his section hike from the Mexican border and was asking about catching a bus to Pasadena.  I intervened after the clerk said there were no buses within 12 miles.  Doodlebug joined me in the conversation and we convinced Herbert to hike with us back to the Saufleys.  At first he seemed hesitant, but he followed us anyway as we explained that we would have access to cars to get him to a bus or train station to get him to Pasadena.  Once we arrived at the Saufleys and got Herbert oriented to a tenting area, the shower and the company of other hikers, he relaxed. 

Back at Saufleys for the night, we found many new hikers who had just rolled in.  This crowd was very quiet through the evening.  Bono and Nightingale and Phantom and I made a late evening run to the grocery store for last minute snacks and beverages.  The balance of the evening was very quiet and uneventful, a welcome change to the general chaos we experienced with 50 hikers in the back yard the previous couple of nights.  New hiker friends: Mountain Goat, Mountain Tripper, and another dozen new faces.  Tomorrow morning we finally get back on the trial for real.  Except… we will be slackpacking the miles to the Andersons, our next trail angels stop on the long journey to Canada.

Today’s mileage: 10.2  Cumulative mileage: 454.4 
Weather: partly cloudy to cloudy, high 65