May 17, 2005
Slack Packing Around Big Bear
Apple Valley, California. A great place to hang your hat and visit with your hiker buddies. Doodlebug and I were up until 2am talking trail talk. Still, I was up by 7:30 checking email, making a couple phone calls to the East Coast, and getting the pack ready to go back out. We hung around Nitro’s house until a little after 11am. When Heinz returned, we all packed into his car like a bunch of sardines in a can and returned to Big Bear City.

First stop was the post office where we piled out, retrieved packaged and letter, then piled back in. An earlier decision to slack pack the 15 miles back into BBC panned out when we were able to get an early check-in to the Nature Inn with a great suite with a large bedroom with fireplace and jacuzzi, 2nd bedroom with two bunk beds, and a large closet and bathroom. All five of us (Phantom, Good To Go, me, Doodlebug, and Nitro) dropped the unnecessary gear from our packs then piled back into Heinz’s car. Heinz dropped the guys off first since we had 15 miles to hike back then hitch. The gals, 15 miles ahead, were doing 10 then hitching back to the room.

So at 2:00pm we resumed the hike, starting with a nice 700 foot climb to 8,600 feet with great views looking back to the San Bernadinos and views north down to the Big Bear area with desert beyond. Soon we caught up to Grilled Cheese (John), talked for a few minutes, then passed as w ere on a quick pace to see if we could beat the gals back to the motel. Next we found Ladyface (Debi) hiking, at which time Good To Go and Phantom pressed on while I took a 2 mile hike with her to catch up, help her with some blisters and some food, and to just slow down and enjoy the easy trail ahead.

After reaching a small creek where Psycho (now Quaker) was chilling, I pressed on and picked up a real Rabbit pace to catch up to Phantom and Good To Go. The next 4 miles were a real treat, hiking alone, very light pack in an enchanted forest with huge trees, grassy green trail, gentle downsloping trail, pine needles lacing the floor of the forest. Eventually I caught up with Phantom (Good To Go jogged a few miles ahead) and we together hiked the balance of the afternoon to Highway 18, arriving around 6:45pm.

At the road crossing we found 4 hikers (Brian, Teapot—now LittleFoot, Thomas, and Jonathan). They been attempting a hitch for 15 minutes but no cars had come by. Phantom and I were talking with them when the roadblock caused by an overturned tractor trailer apparently was cleared, and the cars started flowing fast toward town. A minute later we (all 6) were piled in the back of a Ford truck heading to town. Good To Go beat the gals into the motel, but Phantom and I were last due to a 1 mile town talk getting to the motel.

Off we went to dinner (9 of us) at a Mexican family owned authentic restaurant. Brian (from Santa Monica) and Little Foot joined us in the room for the night (7 of us). I took the closet (2nd time—great place for a private room!) as I’ve had my share of beds recently. It’s really starting to feel like a long distance adventure as we settle into trail/trail town life! Great friends, common dreams, sharing of life’s simple pleasures…it is great to be on the PCT!

Today’s miles: 15.5; cumulative 265.3. Weather: Sunny and warm/cool.